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Lines I Hate Hearing

Ok, this sucks. I've been hearing this line ever since he arrived.
"They'll gonna ask me this later. What will I say?"

You're the manager damn it! YOU SHOULD KNOW!


AndroBlog Test Post

Since I feel like I'll take this rant blog a bit seriously, I'll put blogger on my pet droid so that I can blog whenever I want to.

My Real Last Rant for Today

Okay, right when I was ready to call it a night, the stupid Internet connection dropped. My stupid Internet provider is a bitch. You’ll get a good service for the first few months but after that you’ll have a really fucked-up connection. Oh, I don’t to want drop names so my provider is PLDT MYDSL. Now I have to wait for the uploads again. FUCKING SHIT!! This is officially one of the worst day of my life.

My Last Rant for the Night: My Stiff Neck

My neck has been killing me since last month. The pain went away last week and for some fucking funny way the pain came back today, right when I was having a really bad day to start with. I’m not tolerating this pain anymore. I’ll go to my girlfriend’s province next next week and spend the whole day in a hotspring to ease up all tensed muscles.  I’m gonna call it a night because the first batch of my uploads for a side gig is almost finished. Tomorrow will be better.  And I will try to get back to blogging again.

Life is Fair

I’m sick of people saying life’s unfair. For me, it’s just that people are seeing only the negative. That’s why they rant every time about life being unfair. If you look at it in a different perspective, life is fair. Good things happen equally with the bad ones. There’s always a balance that people fails to see because they are so busy whining and complaining about how miserable their lives are. Ironically, this is a rant blog. But I’m not ranting about life being unfair, I’m just ranting about things that annoy me, things that I don’t like, and things that I’m only brave enough to post on an anonymous blog but is afraid to say  so in the real  life (I just can’t afford to lose my day job ATM). I’m happy the guy’s stupid enough to think inferiorly of me.

Bankruptcy: After Almost 2 Years

I’m broke. I really am. It’s because the whole past month had been very tough on me. Here are my expenses last month that made me broke.

  • My trusty eyeglasses broke in half. Had to buy a new one
  • Bought a new microSD for the 2.1 eclair update
  • Has to go to the province to for Halloween. Spent most of my money treating cousins food
  • Paid bills for laptop, cellphone, internet and electricity

Now I’m desperately waiting for my paypal funds to be transferred to my bank account. It need to be approved or else I will have problems for the next 2 weeks. :(

This is the first time that I felt so poor in the last 2 years.

Sorry For The Links

Hello, It’s 3:27 AM here. I’m trying my best to edit all the links here because I just moved in to a different blog URL. I’ll fix this when I have the time. Thank you for the patience. It sucks when everything's hardcoded.

My Pet Droid

I dunno why but for some weird ( which I actually spelled “wierd,” thanks spellchecker)reason my x10 mini pro is acting funny today. It keeps on restarting. I think it’s the microSD that’s responsible. I tried removing it and my phone worked normally again. Oh well, that’s what I get for rushing things, I should’ve saved a little bit more to buy a much more decent brand of microSD.

What sucks more is that my spare cellphone, my rusty but trusty w810i was borrowed by my sister and I think she has no plans of returning it to me. When I get really pissed I'm gonna take it from her by force.

The Rain

I won’t rant about the rain. I love it. It made me feel nice a little bit. Most people hate the rain. I don’t. It’s something that we Filipinos need to adapt. It rains for 6 months here and I can’t afford to hate something that happens for half a year every year for the rest of my life.

Fucking Stupid Guy

Okay, my day was so fucked up that I had to recycle this whole fucking blog and turn it into a rant blog. First up, my fucking manager is  so fucking stupid, I had to explain a simple thing 4 times… and he still didn’t get it. Seriously, how can a manager be that fucking stupid? And he keeps asking me what he’s going to do; you’re a the fucking manager moron, its root word is MANAGE and if you don’t know how to manage, go back to wherever you came from. My life was a lot easier before you came to the company. How good of a manager are you that you can’t even manage yourself? Fucking stupid! You just got that position because you grow up in a Western country and our project is about English learning. You have no fucking talent as a manager. I hope you quit soon.