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A Simple Hack to Hide That Beer Can

Did you ever wish you could sneak that San Mig Light can in the office? Or drink your favorite beer while having a late-night walk but you’re afraid to do so because the police might question you? I saw this video on Youtube on how to hack a used Coke can to fit over any beer can and hide that alcoholic drink. You only need a can opener, a pair of scissors (strong enough to cut through an aluminum can), and a metal file.  It’s a video made by Kip Kay, a popular internet celebrity that makes pranks and easy to follow how-to videos.

Please take note that in the Philippines, you’re not allowed to drink any alcoholic beverage if you’re a minor, so please drink responsively. Also, drink in public places at your own risk. Chi or Kip Kay will not be responsible if you got caught.

Here’s the video:

I noticed some comments on Kipkay’s page that says that you can just pour the beer in the coke can. Well, beer wouldn’t taste that good if you mix it with Coke. And, this one’s reusable!

I myself is a beer lover and I’m lucky that in the office, it’s legal to drink beer while at work, as long as you can do your tasks. Sometime we even stock the fridge with beer so we can grab a cold one anytime. But on the outside, while it is legal sometimes, people will give a bad look if they saw you chugging down a cold beer while walking. This is a good way to enjoy beer outside. But again, please drink responsively. Put all that alcohol in your stomach and not in your head!

What is your favorite beer? Mine is Red Horse Extra Strong. Post  your favorite as comment! Happy drinking!!

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