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Chill Your Soda in 2 Minutes

Here’s another video from Kip Kay. It teaches you how to have a cold drink right away if you don’t like ice in your Coke. I’ve transcribed the video for those who liked to read more than watch.

Here’s the video:


Kipkay: Have you ever forgotten to stock your fridge with your favorite soda or beer? I know I have. You're really thirsty, and all your left with is that room temperature soda. I'm gonna show you how to super-chill a coke in two minutes! Now, room temperature soda is pretty nasty. Almost 80 degrees right out of the can. But here's all you need to do to superchill it. Depending on how many you wanna chill, get yourself a bowl with ice and water in it. Then take ordinary salt, about a handful, and put it in with the ice water mixture. Then load up your drinks and stir 'em around. This is the second law of thermodynamics. Basically the salt reduces the freezing point of the water and allows it to become super-chilled. Okay, two minutes is up, let's take that thermometer from that room temperature coke and put it in the one we just super-chilled. Check it out, in two minutes, 43 degrees! That's about the perfect temperature for a nice, cold Coke. This will work with just about any drink in can or bottle. So the next you're dry, super-chill your drink!

This technique is also used by dirty ice cream vendors so that their ice cream won’t melt even if they are peddling in the hot streets of the Philippines. They don’t carry a battery-powered fridge with them, just ice, salt and a smile to give to those waiting kids. Beat the summer heat! Grab an ice cold drink now! Just remember to wipe the can first or you’ll get a salty Coke.

What is your favorite way to beat the summer heat?

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